Maximum power: 440W--450W
Module conversion efficiency can reach 19.98%
Number of cells: 72cells
As indefatigable clean energy on the earth, solar energy has always wanted to be completely employed, but due to the limitations of technological development and other reasons, it has not been completely employed, and now the period has entered a new development. It's also used more and more in all aspects of life. What are the advantages of PV solar panel power generation developed from solar energy in the request?
1. Energy independence
Still, you can continue generating electricity in an exigency, If you enjoy a solar system with energy storage. However, this energy storehouse system is veritably necessary, If you live in an area with an unreliable power grid or are constantly hovered by severe rainfall similar to typhoons.
2. Save electricity bills
Solar photovoltaic panels can effectively use the coffers of solar energy to induce electricity, which can save a lot of electricity bills when used at home.
3. Sustainability
Canvas and natural gas are unsustainable energy sources because we use them at the same time as we're consuming these coffers. But solar energy, by the discrepancy, is sustainable because the sun is constantly replenished and illuminates the earth every day. We can use solar energy without fussing about whether we will deplete the earth's natural coffers for unborn generations.
4. Low conservation cost
Solar photovoltaic panels don't have numerous complicated electrical factors, so they infrequently fail or bear constant conservation to keep them running optimally.
Solar panels have a lifetime of 25 times, but numerous panels will last longer than that, so you will infrequently need to repair or replace solar PV panels.
Maximum power: 440W--450W
Module conversion efficiency can reach 19.98%
Number of cells: 72cells
Maximum system voltage: 1500V
Maximum system current: 15-16A
Tolerance range: 0~5W
Maximum system voltage: 1500V
Maximum system current: 15-16A
Tolerance range: 0~5W
Maximum system voltage: 1500V
Maximum system current: 15-16A
Tolerance range: 0~5W
Maximum system voltage: 1500V
Maximum system current: 15-16A
Tolerance range: 0~5W
Maximum system voltage: 1500V
Maximum system current: 15-16A
Tolerance range: 0~5W
Maximum system voltage: 1500V
Maximum system current: 15-16A
Tolerance range: 0~5W
Maximum system voltage: 1500V
Maximum system current: 15-16A
Tolerance range: 0~5W